Guidelines For Safe Travel On Metro Trains In India

Metro trains in India have become an increasingly popular and efficient form of transportation for commuters. Not only are they fast and cost-effective, but they also ensure that people can get around the city quickly and safely. Remembering a few key rules and guidelines for safe travel on the metro is essential.

Guidelines for safe and comfortable travel on metro trains in India

1. Know The Metro Rules:

Before you embark on a metro train, it is always best to take a few moments to read the rules and regulations of the metro system. Knowing the rules and regulations is key to making your travel smooth and safe. Smoking or eating inside the train is prohibited, and any inflammable or dangerous materials are strictly prohibited. Furthermore, it would be best to keep the luggage limited to what the system allows to avoid difficulties or problems.

2. Be Prepared For The Journey:

Before you start your journey on a metro train, it is important to ensure you have everything you need. Ensure you have a valid ticket or smart card with you and any other important documents. 

Your phone should also be brought along so you can contact anyone in an emergency. It is also wise to carry a bottle of water and a few snacks in your bag. If you get hungry or thirsty during your ride, you can easily snack on something to keep yourself nourished and hydrated. 

3. Follow Social Distancing Norms:

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, following social distancing norms when travelling on a metro train is important. Metro trains can get crowded, especially during peak hours, so maintain a safe distance from other passengers. Some metro systems have marked seats and standing areas to ensure social distancing is maintained, so make sure to follow these guidelines.

4. Respect The Queue System:

Many metro stations have a queue system to manage passenger flow. Respect this system and wait for your turn to board the train. Pushing and shoving can cause inconvenience to others and can even lead to accidents.

5. Stand Behind The Yellow Line:

Metro platforms have a yellow line marked near the edge of the platform. This line indicates the safe distance that passengers should maintain from the train. Stand behind the yellow line and wait for the train to arrive.

6. Board The Train Safely:

When the train arrives, wait for the doors to open before boarding. Do not try to rush or force your way in as this can cause accidents. Once inside the train, move towards the centre of the coach to allow others to board as well. Avoid blocking the doors and keep your luggage in the designated area.

7. Offer Your Seat:

Offering up your seat on public transportation can make a real difference in someone’s day. Whether it be an elderly passenger, a pregnant woman, or someone with a disability, you can show them kindness and generosity by offering your seat to them. 

Travelling during off-peak hours often comes with the privilege of having a seat all to yourself, so take advantage of that luxury by giving it to someone who needs it more. Your kindness will be appreciated, even if it’s just for a brief period. 

8. Keep The Train Clean:

Maintaining cleanliness on a metro train is everyone’s responsibility. Do not litter or throw garbage on the train or platform. Use the designated dustbins for disposing of waste. Also, avoid damaging the train or its facilities in any way.

9. Keep Valuables Safe:

Metro trains can get crowded, which makes it easy for pickpockets to operate. Keep valuables like wallets, mobile phones, and jewellery safe and secure. Avoid flashing your valuables or carrying large amounts of cash. Inform the metro staff immediately if you notice any suspicious activity or behaviour.

10. Be Patient And Cooperative:

Travelling on a metro train can be stressful, especially during peak hours. It’s important to remain patient and cooperative with other passengers and metro staff. Avoid getting into arguments or fights and respect others’ space and privacy. Remember that everyone is on the same journey and trying to reach their destination safely.


It’s worth noting that different metro systems may have specific rules and guidelines, so check with the local authorities or metro staff for any additional information. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the metro map and the different routes and stops so that you can plan your journey accordingly. Additionally, do not hesitate to contact the metro staff or authorities if you have any concerns or issues during your journey. They assist and ensure that all passengers have a safe and comfortable journey.

In conclusion, travelling on a metro train in India can be a convenient and efficient way to get around the city. Still, following the guidelines mentioned above is important to ensure a safe and comfortable journey for yourself and other passengers. You can enjoy a stress-free and pleasant journey on a metro train by being aware of your surroundings, respecting the rules and regulations, and cooperating with others.

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